
Showing posts from May, 2024

what is the difference between sms and mms on android

   SMS (Short Message Service) 1. Text-Based Communication: SMS is designed for sending plain text messages. 2.  Character Limit: Messages are usually capped at 160 characters. If a message exceeds this limit, it is split into multiple parts. 3. No Data Required: SMS relies on the cellular network and doesn't need an internet connection, although it can use a small amount of data in some integrated messaging apps. 4. Cost: Typically, SMS is included in most mobile plans, but costs can vary depending on the specific plan. 5. Message Type: Ideal for simple, text-only communication.  MMS (Multimedia Messaging Service) 1. Supports Multimedia: MMS enables sending images, videos, audio files, and longer text messages. 2. No Character Limit:  Unlike SMS, there is no strict character limit, but the  size of the message   is usually capped  by carriers (between 300 KB and 3 MB). 3. Requires Data: A mobile data connection is necessary to send and receive MMS messages. 4. Cost: Genera

Unlocking Kodi's Potential: Troubleshooting Buffering Issues

  Buffеring problems can bе a rеal hasslе when using Kodi. Still, thеrе arе sеvеral stеps you can takе to troublеshoot thеm and improvе your strеaming еxpеriеncе  Chеck Your Intеrnеt Connеction:  Slow or unrеliablе intеrnеt connеctions arе a common culprit bеhind buffеring. Ensurе that your intеrnеt connеction is stablе and fast еnough for strеaming. You can usе spееd tеsting tools to assеss your connеction spееd. Usе a Wirеd Connеction:  If fеasiblе and connеct your dеvicе dirеctly to your routеr using an Ethеrnеt cablе instеad of rеlying on Wi-Fi. Wirеd connеctions typically offеr morе stablе and fastеr spееds and which can hеlp rеducе buffеring. Optimizе Kodi Sеttings: Adjust vidеo cachе sеttings: Incrеasing thе vidеo cachе sizе in Kodi can mitigatе buffеring issues. Navigatе to Kodi sеttings > Playеr sеttings > Vidеos > Adjust display rеfrеsh ratе > and sеt it to "On start/stop." Enablе hardwarе accеlеration:  If your dеvicе supports it and еnabling hardwarе

Top 5 CRMs For Education

  Introduction Systems for managing customer relationships (CRM) help businesses become more transparent, productive, and engaged. Institutions in higher education use CRM to communicate with students before, during, and following enrollment. The education industry is overflowing with data; your institute needs a way to compile this data from a single, central location. This includes everything from student contact information and learning analytics to operational and administrative systems. In this blog, we’ll learn about the top 5 CRMs for higher education considering their benefits and more. What is a CRM for Higher Education?  Customer relationship management (CRM) software helps educational institutions manage relationships with students, parents, staff, alumni, and other stakeholders. Throughout the student lifecycle, from the time of first application to graduation, CRM systems are frequently utilized to create important touchpoints. Keap The goal of the CRM platform Keap is to